It’s Yetunde Shorters here, chiming in share with you, as we plan for the New Year, 7 powerful ways to level up your personal brand in the New Year. This year flew by so quickly that we couldn’t even catch a breath, but it’s never too late. You can start now and start today, and let’s plan for manifestations in the New Year. Below are my suggestions of 7 powerful ways to level up your purposeful personal brand in the New Year
Planning ahead means take the time one of these days this year before the year is over and sit down and plan for the things you want for your personal brand or your business. That means on social media. Sit down and plan what your social media would look like. Sit down and plan what each quarter would look like. Sit down and plan what products that you’re going to launch per quarter, whatever steps that are involved in each stage. Write it out and plan. You have plenty of time to do that this year so that you can be prepared and schedule things for next year. That way, you save yourself some time. Sacrifice that 4 hours of social media a day time just for you. You deserve it.
You can start now and start today, and let's plan for manifestations in the New Year . Share on XMANAGE YOUR TIME
Number 2 thing you need to do to level up your personal brand in the New Year is manage your time like a boss. Here’s what that means. We all have 24 hours in the day. Yes, sometimes, everyone says, “We have the same time that Oprah has.” Well, Oprah has a team to work with and delegate too, none of us can afford Oprah manpower yet. If you’re a solo-preneur or you have a small team, you have 24 hours in a day. You have a lot to do. What that means is be conscientious of how you spend your time. What are you doing with your mornings? The first 90 minutes set the tone. Be intentional about those 90 minutes. Do you find yourself on Facebook or Instagram immediately? WATCH IT, STOP IT. Do you time yourself when you do that? Nothing wrong with applying social media, but make sure you’re not spending and wasting time on there without a return on your investment.
What that means is allocate and dedicate and promise yourself you’re going to spend a certain amount of time per day on whatever social media platform it is. One of the things I actually do to manage my time better is when I have social media days off where I’m just logged off of social media and I also log off of my Wi-Fi, and I do projects that do not require me to be online. There are many apps you can use to manage your time. There are apps you can use to block you from going on social media so you can focus because it can be addictive as productive as it can be, but managing your time is very important. That also means if you’re obsessed with certain TV shows, how many hours are you spending on that? You’re watching people that are making money off of you watching them. Why don’t you spend that time building your personal brand? You can watch TV, limit your time and focus on building and then enriching your own personal brand.
The number 3 way you can level up your personal brand in 2019 is to map out your systems. What this means is: if you are going to be doing events or if you are going to be doing a photo shoot, if you are going to be consulting with clients, write out what that looks like. For example, stage one clients inboxes you. What is the response after? Clients responds to you. What do you send after that? Write out step-by-step so that you have automated content that when anything happens you’re literally just cutting and pasting again saving you time. or use e-services to do an auto send out. Map out whatever your systems are for getting new clients, for securing a sponsorship or getting product, whatever system is. Sit down, think about it, and write it all out step-by-step so that you have everything planned out in a Word document or a notepad or Evernote. Write it all down so when the time comes you’re literally just cutting and pasting or scheduling it into your e-applications. That would save you tons of time and will allow you to be able to train someone if you’re not available on how to run your systems.
Number 4 powerful ways to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to connect better and more. That means online and offline. Sometimes we get caught up in posting and we forget that we have to engage other people, so dedicate 20 to 30 minutes of your time per week and go back to the people that follow and engage you and engage on their pages. Like the comments, like their pictures, read stuff, and leave your thoughtful feedback. People want to connect with you, and also do this in live events. That means go out more, look for networking or marketing events that you can be a part of. Look for virtual events that you can be a part of, but make it an effort to connect better and more with people because, with personal powerful branding these days people connect to people so you can no longer hide behind a company name or the Internet. People want to know who you are, and the more you connect and the more authentic you are, the better for you and your business and your personal brand.
The number 5 powerful way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to document your milestones. Share on X This is one of the things that was actually in the recent book I had with the Better Business book where I shared my 10 things I’ve learned from, my 10 years in business, and if I knew then what I know now, I would have at the end of every month or maybe every two weeks, documented any good thing that happened in my business. Because guess what? When you’re going to do a review of the year or an analysis to a client, you can go back and have documentation, have a folder created on your computer and have documentation of the really good memorable milestones that happen and the really challenging ones, as well, so, at the end of the year, if you have to do a year in review, you have all your ducks in a row, you have content for your portfolio, you have content for testimonials. It’s a great way to track your progress.
The number 6 way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to track and analyze often. Often depends on how engaged you are on social media or on your newsletter or in person. That means see what’s working. Test it out. See what’s working and then come back and take off the things that are not working. Tracking and analyzing actually helps you see that your efforts are being put to good use. You want to make sure you maximize that and make it a habit starting now, so that when the New Year comes, when the new year comes, that you are ready and prepared to track and analyze. That way, you will get into the quality of what works for your personal brand, and so you just rinse and repeat and use the things that work over and over again, but you can’t know what works unless you track and analyze it.
Finally, the 7th way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to automate and engage and convert. Create your automation systems. What does it look like when someone signs up for your newsletter or signs up for talking to you, what is that process? If there’s anything you can automate, which means use a mailing service where something is automatically sent to them without you, your business can function without you, you automatically automate all the stuff that you want your customers or potential clients to know.
Then, you want to engage them. When you automate, when they respond back to you, you want to engage them. As much time as it’ll take, try to be as one-on-one as possible, or maybe do a group session or a group webinar, but engage them in some way on a live stream, on the Tweet chats. Find ways to engage your community. Then, when you engage them, you can convert them. Because once they know, like, and trust you, which is the KLC factor. When people feel like they know you and then they like you and then they trust you based on the consistency and content you share, it is very easy to convert them to buy anything you are selling, because they believe you are out to support them and what they want out of life with your expertise.
Again, you have plan ahead, manage your time like a boss, map out your systems, connect better and more, document the milestones, track and analyze often, automate, engage, and convert. These are the seven things you need to level up for your brand in the New Year. I wish you well. Let’s go manifest all the hard work we put in this New Year